Taiga Animals

Animals in Tiaga need to have fur, because in Taigas its freezing. This fur helps keep them warm in the cold winters. Some smaller animals live in Taiga such as mice, porqupines, and wolverines. Animals that may be seen in Taigas are ducks, owls, woodpeckers. These animals fethers keep them warm. Some animals that may be seen in Taiga communities are wolves, moose, bears, and elk. The picture on the left is a picture of a Wolverine.

The waxwing Bird

The males and females look like each other, only that the female's feathers are darker. Waxwings generally live on fruit. During the breeding season they will catch any insect on their feathery wing. In cold winters they usually migrate south of their range. During the male’s courtship display, the male presents a berry or ant pupa to the female, which the birds then pass to each other back and forth from his beak to her beak, but they never swallow it. The massive nest is made from twigs, trees, plants, or moss fibers, but mostly made by the female, who lays from three to seven eggs, which she protects alone.


The wolverine has very strong and powerfull jaws. A special molar turned 90 degrees inward helps it crunsh hard stuff like icicles. The wolverine can go chasing his victom more than 30 miles without stoping and not having trouble while chasing him even when the snow is light.

Wolverine belong in carnivore. The wolverine is the second largest mustelid after the giant otter, not only that but one of the largest families. The largest mustelid family is the giant otter, the second one is the wolverine.  Carnivor's also have skunks, otters, polecats etc... Wolverines can be found in Canada, northwestern United States and East Asia. Generally they have blakish fur.